How to install the osCommerce Hook system

multimixer | learn | Friday October 30 2015

This is a quick explanation about how to install the osCommerce “hook system”. It will be standard in the next osCommerce versions, but you can start using it on your existing store of series 2.3.xx, it make things like adding content or a mini application to a page much easier

Here you go

1) File catalog/admin/includes/application_top.php

Add to the bottom of the file, before the last closing ?> following

// hook
  require(DIR_FS_CATALOG . 'includes/classes/hooks.php');
  $OSCOM_Hooks = new hooks('admin');

2) File catalog/includes/application_top.php

Add to the bottom of the file, before the last closing ?> following

// hook
  require(DIR_FS_CATALOG . 'includes/classes/hooks.php');
  $OSCOM_Hooks = new hooks('shop');

3) Upload file hooks.php

Create a file named hooks.php, copy paste the code shown below and upload it to location catalog/includes/classes/


  osCommerce, Open Source E-Commerce Solutions

  Copyright (c) 2014 osCommerce

  Released under the GNU General Public License

  class hooks {
    var $_site;
    var $_hooks = array();

    function hooks($site) {
      $this->_site = basename($site);


    function register($group) {
      $group = basename($group);

      $directory = DIR_FS_CATALOG . 'includes/hooks/' . $this->_site . '/' . $group;

      if ( file_exists($directory) ) {
        if ( $dir = @dir($directory) ) {
          while ( $file = $dir->read() ) {
            if ( !is_dir($directory . '/' . $file) ) {
              if ( substr($file, strrpos($file, '.')) == '.php' ) {
                $code = substr($file, 0, strrpos($file, '.'));
                $class = 'hook_' . $this->_site . '_' . $group . '_' . $code;

                include($directory . '/' . $file);
                $GLOBALS[$class] = new $class();

                foreach ( get_class_methods($GLOBALS[$class]) as $method ) {
                  if ( substr($method, 0, 7) == 'listen_' ) {
                    $this->_hooks[$this->_site][$group][substr($method, 7)][] = $code;


    function call($group, $action) {
      $result = '';

      foreach ( $this->_hooks[$this->_site][$group][$action] as $hook ) {
        $result .= call_user_func(array($GLOBALS['hook_' . $this->_site . '_' . $group . '_' . $hook], 'listen_' . $action));

      if ( !empty($result) ) {
        return $result;

4) Create new folders

First a folder named /hooks/ within catalog/includes/ Then, create 2 new folders named /shop/ and /admin/ within that new folder /hooks/

Your folder structure should look like this now – the image is showing only the new folders of course

That’s all, now you have the hook system installed and can start creating hooks.

I’ll post some examples about how to create and use that “hooks” soon

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  • Dan Cole 14/01/2016 at 23:38

    George did you ever post any examples on how to use the hook system?


    • multimixer 14/01/2016 at 23:41

      Hi Dan

      Good that you remember me to this.

      The hook system is really great and I’m implementing it already in the next MTS version

      I have a couple of simple examples and will post them soon

      • Dan Cole 17/03/2016 at 22:15

        Hi George….I was just looking at hooks again and by chance I found this thread once more…I had forgotten about it and didn’t realize that you replied. Not sure how I missed that. In any case if you are able to put up an example or two I think that would help to get us shop owners learning about and using hooks. I would be happy to post about it on the forums. Maybe we can start a thread there and provide a link to this helpful post.
